In the Show "Wander Over Yonder" We meet Lord Dominator for the first time at the End of season 1. Through out most of season one we get an idea that most villains in this universe are presented as looking intimidating but also kinda dumb. When comes to being easy defeat by our heroes Wander and Sylvia. The show does not have much story but gives you single episodes that have a them of visual gags or making statements about being a good person and lending a helping hand. These episodes couple be viewed out of order and would not affect your experience with the show.
So when the Villain Lord Dominator came into the show their was now a real threat to our heroes. A Villain who was always one step ahead, more intelligent then the other villains (it was a pretty low bar to begin with), and a competent arm of robots. The show still continued with its gags and such but made Lord Dominator as a driving plot of the show. In season two of Wander over Yonder every other episode was about villains trying to impress or woo her into some form of partnership. Most of which were humorous, but only displayed how much of a true villain she was.
So After an entire season of villains falling in love or being Conquered by Lord Dominator. She eventual gets defeated by Wander. In her defeat we discover that she is a lonely person and is covering it up with this detraction to destroy the galaxy. When Wander presents an opportunity of being her friend she quickly declines and walks away. Leaving us with a wondering of if we will ever see her again in future episodes.
From the effects of what happen at the end of season two, can play a role in her character coming back in season three. What if Lord Dominator started to hunt Wander and Sylvia as this sort of revenge for foaling her plans. It would be similar to how season two was played out but in a role reversal. The most powerful Villain who was fawn over from all the other villains in fawning over Wander. In every other episode Lord Dominator tries to capture Wander and Sylvia in a comedic fashion but fails. She will get some character development involving her learning how to be a good person, How to make friends, understanding love, and any other forms of affections that the show presents in most episodes. Maybe even in the end Lord Dominator finds a real friend and creating a perfect end to such a great show.
I Hope you Enjoyed this theory! =D
(P.S. - As you may not know the Show "Wander Over Yonder" ended at season two before the creators could make a third season. There are petitions #SAVEWOY, and #savewanderoveryonder for you to help spread the word and get Disney's attention to make a third season of this amazing show.)