After playing almost every Battlefield from Battlefield Bad co to Battlefield 1 I finally came up wth the conclusion that Battlefield Hardline is my favorite Battlefield out of all the Battlefield games and there are many reasons why I would say this and here are my reasons.
1. Graphics: when I was playing this game I was stunned about the from the graphics because they were so amazing and it looks like they did the best they could with the 2 years of making the game and a little over a year to update the game.
2. Fun: When I played this game and played multiplayer/singleplayer I was automatically hooked on the game and the only thing that stopped me from playing the game was I didn't want to get bored of the game so I played a different game but then 15 minutes later I would begin to start playing Hardline because it's so fun and addictive.
3. Different: This game makes me so proud of EA and FPS's because they have come a long way and I'm so proud with EA specifically the developers that make Battlefield because they made this game different from an original type of FPS and a different type of Battlefield and when I say different I mean a good type of different that you might want to see in a game you enjoy.
4. Great Story: The story is just so good you will enjoy especially if your the type of person that enjoys a good story because I do to but I mostly prefer a game with a good multiplayer but this game has both which makes me happy.
5. Price: since this game is 2 years old the price has dropped and you can get the game for $7-$30 excluding special editions and depending on where you live but this is based on the Gamestop website.
6. Best of both worlds: If you guys don't know I love GTA and it's my favorite game and I also love Battlefield and it's my favorite shooter and I honestly feel like Battlefield Hardline is a mixture of GTA and Battlefield which I love and makes the game so much fun.
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