(Disclaimer 2 Grand Theft Auto V will be ranked on a triple A game scale of 2013)
I am here again with another review and this time I will be reviewing the successful game that released in 2013 known as Grand Theft Auto V or GTA V so without further ado let get right into the ratings.
Graphics 10/10: It's rare where I give a game 10/10 for anything but I truly believe that GTA V deserves it because the graphics were ahead for the year 2013 and I played GTA V very long and I didn't notice a flaw in the graphics at all.
Uniqueness 6.5/10: When the first GTA game came out it was very unique but as time went on more and more games tried to be similar to GTA to defame them even though they failed and yes GTA V has many differences from his failing competitors but it also has many similarities which are making GTA V-less and less unique.
Fun 9/10: Most people that play GTA V can agree that at some point they had fun playing the game for a long time and some people can say they still have fun playing GTA V and even though GTA V was released in 2013 it still has hundreds and thousands of players still playing which is outrageously amazing for a game that is 4 years old and the only help the game has is a minor update and the occasional major update.
And the overall rating that GTA V received is 8 and tell me in the comments or message what is another category I should add to the rating also tell me if you agree or disagree and if you can do me a favor and drop a like, subscribe, and, comment and, check out my links below and, without further ado have a great rest of your day.