The Nintendo Switch has been alive and kicking for almost a week now and, while it selling like hotcakes at the moment users are noticing some shortcomings of the console. Here are some things we believe Nintendo should do to improve user reception.
Video Streaming Services - This one is a no brainer, honestly speaking Nintendo should have launched with at least a YouTube Client for the Nintendo Switch. I get it that the Nintendo Switch isn’t being marketed as a Multimedia device. Nintendo has made this clear, but I don't see how having Video Services like YouTube, Netflix, and Hulu can hamper the system so much that people won’t play Zelda. In all fairness Reggie Fils-Aime did state in a recent interview with The Washington Post that they are in talks with companies like Netflix and Hulu about bringing these services to the Nintendo Switch. “ What I would say is this: We built the Nintendo Switch to be a world-class gaming device, meaning we want you first and foremost to play games on the system and have an incredibly fun experience. We’re talking to a range of companies about other services, companies like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon — things that will come in time. In our view, these are not differentiators. What differentiates us is the way you play with the Nintendo Switch and what you can play. And that will continue to be our focus into the future as we continue driving this platform.” - via Reggie Fils-Aime in The Washington Post Article
Audio Streaming Services - Okay so this should really fall under the Video Streaming Service, because it rides on the same premise. Even more, in my opinion because the Nintendo Switch is portable. I can definitely see myself jamming out to Spotify on my Nintendo Switch while playing the upcoming Street Fighter II HD on a plane. Make it happen Nintendo.
Enable Bluetooth Connectivity - Another thing Nintendo should have had ready to go from day one. According to their own site, The Nintendo Switch supports Bluetooth 4.1. It just needs to be enabled via a software update.
Virtual Console | eShop - This is probably the biggest issue I currently have with the Nintendo Switch. Nintendo was boasting about how its own history has brought them to creating the Nintendo Switch, but they have yet to say anything about bringing over legacy games from the virtual console and eShop. It is clearly possible so my guess is, they are planning how to implement it to where it would be beneficial to them. All in all this is a feature that would be insane for them not to implement this year. I’m guessing they will announce something by or at E3 this year.
Kill Friend Codes - Nintendo, I think it is about time you learned we don’t like entering a 12-digit code every time we want to add a new friend to our friends list. What is the point of a Nintendo Network ID if we can’t use it to search for friend who may have purchased the Nintendo Switch? It is time we move into 2005 where we can use a generalized name to identify ourselves.

This article may seem like I’m knocking the switch but, I’m not. I am pointing out easy fixes that Nintendo should already be working on. Looking around the internet all I’m seeing negative article about the Nintendo Switch. Most of these articles are propaganda, but there is some truth to them. As the now the Nintendo Switch is an incomplete product and I wouldn’t recommend buying it just for Zelda (if you already have a Wii U get it there). Don’t get me wrong The Legend of Zelda is already GOTY 2017 in my opinion but, when you finish it you may start to feel slighted due to the Switch lacking in software to push the console.

Food for thought
Its funny how I hear talk about the Nintendo Switch being severely under powered. While it won’t be able to match the prowess of the PS4 Pro and the Xbox Project Scorpio, the Switch will produce good looking visuals. Look at it this way, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was developed from the ground up for the Nintendo Wii U. The Switch is said to be more powerful that the Wii U. I will be curious how games will look for the console when it is built from the ground up for it.