Hello guys and sorry for the lack of posting I just have been really busy and now I find it hard to get back on track making a daily post but without further ado let's get right into talking about top 5 consoles in my opinion.
5. PS4: gets the 5th place because it wasn't many groundbreaking things that it had besides 4k graphics, a controller that light up and a whole lot of other things if you look deeper into the console but it still wasn't as much as the other systems I'm going to be talking about.
4. Wii: The Wii get 4th place because for Nintendo it was a huge thing because it was the first of system at the time that you could stand up and do things so you stay active while playing a game and it also let you play Gamecube and Wii games which another pro along with internet browsing, improved graphics and, a Nintendo shop so you can buy games without having to go to a store.
3. PS2: In all honesty most long term gamers that got to play the PS2 back when it just came out probably can agree that the PS2 was a phenomenal system for multiple like introduction to the multi-tap which allows more than 4 players to play a game at one time also it added more buttons to their controller than any other system had at the time also it had great graphics for the time along with it being so successful for even more reasons that I can list.
2. Gameboy: Gameboy was huge because it was the first handheld system of the time which was really groundbreaking also it had great graphics for the time along with many popular games of the time like Zelda and Pokemon and much more things.
1. Xbox 360: if any of these are close to being biased it would have to be the Xbox 360 but I love this system but it is also great for many reasons because it introduced playing online which was very huge and it also introduced a smaller controller at least for Microsft and it had USB ports and lastly it also let you download games from online and it also supported indie game developers with their XBLIG program which helped a lot of people.
Tell me what you think in comments of what I got wrong or you can even tell me how you would have placed it and if you enjoyed this post and, want to support me on future blogs please drop a like, subscribe, and, comment.