I consider Urdnot Bakara or Eve as Mordin names her, to be the diva of Mass Effect 3. Both because of her rich costume and interesting jewelry but also because of her poise and confident bearing. She is a queen long before circumstances make her one.
Thankfully she is no longer the only female Krogan we know of. Nexus Superintendent, Nakmor Kesh clan sister to Andromeda team member Nakmor Drack and the Nakmor Ambassador encountered in ME2 on Tuchanka, will be joining us in Mass Effect Andromeda and will be one of the rare Krogan scientists Mordin scoffed at in ME2.
She is part of the core team of station engineers who built the Nexus and her duties include station upkeep and making sure that everything works. In other words, she’ll be calibrating a lot more than just the guns!
Leaders pop-up at 02:11 from Arks & Nexus training video on the Andromeda Initiative website.
Watch BioFan’s commentary of the Andromeda Initiative introduction video Arks & Nexus.
Getting back to Eve, however, the pinnacle of her performance has to be her rousing speech to the Krogan. We’ve heard countless of them before, it seems we can barely make it through any hero story without one but hers is pretty damn good even to a cynic’s ears:

Eve, ME3, Tuchanka

Eve, ME3, Tuchanka

Eve, ME3, Tuchanka