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A good Zen story, with a point to it, doesn't end with the point, but points to the way past it.
The great Zen Master of olden times, Banko, tells this story about his own student days.
One day, in his Master's monastery, Banko was going to the toilet in this monastery. This happened when he was still a student, and when he had been with his master, only a few short months.
It so happened that the master, himself, was just coming out.
The master said to him,"What's coming, what's going?"
The student looked at him to see if he was being serious, but then he should have known that the master was always being serious and humorous at the same time, a mix of both lesson and fun was always the best teacher, he so often said.
Banko pondered on this for many months. He was not sure if he had heard the master right.
Maybe he had actually said to him, "Who's coming, Who's going?"
After two years, Banko was thinking of leaving this particular monastery, because he had heard of a great master, who had just opened a new monastery, not far away.
Banko sat upon the stone wall, surrounding the monastery, pondering about what he should do.
Just then the master walked past him once again, and he said to him then,
"Love never goes, unless it goes."
He meant of course that it was always Banko's decision alone to let it, love, go. Stop minding about these things unnecessarily, and just follow the love, was what he was really saying to Banko here.
Banko stayed with his first master then, and in just a few short months more, he reached enlightenment, through not his mind, but through his feeling the deep real love of his master, pulling him past his mind.
What can we do when we have freed our self of every desire, but the desire to be free of every desire?
How do we get rid of the last desire?
Answer: Find love!
The greatest length of anything is its stretched length, of which, all things stretch it, and the greatest of these forces is a desire.
When things are not being stretched, or exaggeratedly represented, or wanted or desired, all is just as it is, and only then can you see the truth of it all.
Love is all.
The door to our heart is never ajar. There is no door into love.
Love is an open book for you to read your true self from. Love is your true self. Nothing is stopping you from loving, but your own mind.
Be your true self. Love all, as Banko's master showed him to do here, by his own example of love.
It is our mind that creates all doors, it is our mind that's often a jar, that is, one that we fill with our desires.
Love never needs to fill anything with itself.
Love is just love. Empty yourself of desire, and find the love that is always there, in you, and everywhere else, besides.
"God is in control." That's what a foreign friend told me long time ago. He waited for long time, for god to send him home or give him a good life in the Philippines.
Waiting without action or trying something new to establish yourself in this country cannot change your present situation. Why not think of those years you have waited?
Sometimes, I am thinking how some Christians behave on what they believe. I think they just want to feel okay with all the problems they are facing but not to find the solution for their present situation. Same with the Filipinos. Instead of grabbing a good opportunity to change their life for the better, they will reasoned out that "Money is Evil". Well, ignorance is evil."
Graffiti by an artist unknown to me at the beach in Bolinas. 01/2017
I always marvel at artists who spend time to paint the walls of their towns and abandon the works to the entropy of the universe. I'm not so sure that there is any law against this activity here like in the cities. The people in town have talked about it before. I think that in a town full of artists who spend lots of time decorating the walls you'd probably not want to become known for being solidly against it. (Oh, entropy does not exclude order - just saying ...)
I pass by this wonderful statue most days when i'm out for a walk along the coastline. I just acquired a new camera and thought i might as well photograph it. So here she is with her dolphins, over looking the ocean water and welcoming all who pass by.
Flower of Zeus is used for other purposes and not only because of its beauty.Flower of Zeus is used for other purposes and not only because of its beauty. Carnation Revolution (Portuguese: Revolução dos Cravos) is a military coup in Lisbon, Portugal, performed on April 25, 1974 in order to overthrow the regime of the New State (Estado Nuovo). The name of the revolution derived from its symbol - the carnation, as the barrel of a gun at the participating soldiers were placed carnations and coup ends without casualties.
It is better for all of us flowers make us happy, not our tears. To use them for occasions that make us happy, not unhappy.
In the Show "Wander Over Yonder" We meet Lord Dominator for the first time at the End of season 1. Through out most of season one we get an idea that most villains in this universe are presented as looking intimidating but also kinda dumb. When comes to being easy defeat by our heroes Wander and Sylvia. The show does not have much story but gives you single episodes that have a them of visual gags or making statements about being a good person and lending a helping hand. These episodes couple be viewed out of order and would not affect your experience with the show.
So when the Villain Lord Dominator came into the show their was now a real threat to our heroes. A Villain who was always one step ahead, more intelligent then the other villains (it was a pretty low bar to begin with), and a competent arm of robots. The show still continued with its gags and such but made Lord Dominator as a driving plot of the show. In season two of Wander over Yonder every other episode was about villains trying to impress or woo her into some form of partnership. Most of which were humorous, but only displayed how much of a true villain she was.
So After an entire season of villains falling in love or being Conquered by Lord Dominator. She eventual gets defeated by Wander. In her defeat we discover that she is a lonely person and is covering it up with this detraction to destroy the galaxy. When Wander presents an opportunity of being her friend she quickly declines and walks away. Leaving us with a wondering of if we will ever see her again in future episodes.
From the effects of what happen at the end of season two, can play a role in her character coming back in season three. What if Lord Dominator started to hunt Wander and Sylvia as this sort of revenge for foaling her plans. It would be similar to how season two was played out but in a role reversal. The most powerful Villain who was fawn over from all the other villains in fawning over Wander. In every other episode Lord Dominator tries to capture Wander and Sylvia in a comedic fashion but fails. She will get some character development involving her learning how to be a good person, How to make friends, understanding love, and any other forms of affections that the show presents in most episodes. Maybe even in the end Lord Dominator finds a real friend and creating a perfect end to such a great show.
I Hope you Enjoyed this theory! =D
(P.S. - As you may not know the Show "Wander Over Yonder" ended at season two before the creators could make a third season. There are petitions #SAVEWOY, and #savewanderoveryonder for you to help spread the word and get Disney's attention to make a third season of this amazing show.)
The birth of new cubism 2 - 28-04-14. Artist: Corné Akkers. Graphite pencil drawing (Pentel 0.5 mm, 3B) on Winsor & Newton paper (14.8 x 21 x 0.01 cm - A5 format). One of the series 'the birfh of new cubism' in which it still is Obvious that I was still searching for new cubistic ways.
Imagine a world where everything is truly wireless. No wires dangling around on the desks or behind the tables, no tripping over wires or accidentally damaging them! Complete freedom from the eyesore that is the landscape of today's consumer electronics.
It would be so liberating and futuristic and a more natural way of living. All this may sound too good to be true or too far into the future but in fact, this technology is already here and it is going to change the way we do things all over again!
Today, everyone owns one or more smart devices. It could be a smartphone or a tablet or a smartwatch or a whole slew of other smart gadgets. All these devices have one thing in common; that they all require charging. And as frustrating as it is, today's battery technology isn't as advanced as it needs to be and we end up charging our devices every single day.
This could be how your desk looks soon, one without wires.
Well, not for long! Because a company called Energous, has come up with the solution we've all been looking for and they are calling it Wattup technology.
Our gadgets will now be able to be charged from a distance. Just imagine walking into your home from a long day of work and your phone immediately starts charging up without you even thinking about it, just like how wifi connects automatically.
You would not need to go to your room, take out your charger, connect the phone and leave it there. That will all be in the past. And since your devices won't have to be placed in a particular place to get charged up, you can move around using them as they charge!
The system consists of a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitters deliver contained power at up to a 15-feet radius from where they are installed, creating up to a 30-feet envelope of wire free charging space.
Each of these transmitters are able to charge 12 devices at the same time. The receiver is at the receiving end of this power that uses multiple antennas to collect the micro energy beams created by the transmitter. The receiver will be embedded inside your devices in the circuitry. The whole process will be just as seamless as how wifi works.
Now that's what I call 'wireless charging'. The current solutions available in the market termed as 'wireless charging' are nothing but induction charging where you still have to place your device on a pad and the charging station is still connected to a power source through a wire. The whole system is bulky in my opinion with no real convenience over the wired charging set up that we have today.
We should start seeing this technology being adopted in electronics beginning from the end of 2017. Of course we would have to buy new smartphones and new tablets that support this technology but who wouldn't? Also, the company is hoping to release charging cases, so that our existing smart devices can take advantage of this god-sent technology as well.
So, are you hyped enough for this? I sure am! The future can't happen soon enough...
The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1340-1400) is a collection of stories supposedly told by a set of pilgrims as they make their way to Canterbury. As well as the tales themselves, the pen-portraits of the storytellers are of great interest. Here is an account of Chaucer’s “Pardoner”.
(The Pardoner from the Ellesmere MS)
The Pardoner
Chaucer finds it difficult to approve of most of the pilgrims who earn their living from religion, and the Pardoner is no exception. This is a man who takes advantage of gullible people by promising to free them from the pains of Hell by selling them pardons for their sins, supposedly signed by the Pope. He will also sell “holy relics”, charging absurd prices for such things as old bits of wood that came, according to him, from Christ’s cross. He is therefore a 14th century con-artist.
When the Pardoner is invited by “mine Host”, Harry Bailey, to follow the tale told by the Physician, it soon becomes clear that his main purpose for undertaking this pilgrimage is to make a quick buck or two, either from his fellow pilgrims or from anyone else he might meet along the way. However, we also get to see that this is an “honest rogue”, who is completely open about what he does, and he turns out to be almost likeable.
He demands a drink before he will tell his tale, and we can imagine him getting more and more loquacious as the alcohol takes effect.
The prologue to his tale is in the form of a confession of his business methods, of which he is clearly inordinately proud. Indeed, this is nothing short of a lengthy boast at what a brilliant conman he is.
“… I have won, year by year,
A hundred marks since I was a pardoner.
I stand like a clerk (priest) in my pulpit,
And when the common people are sitting down
I preach just as you have heard before
And tell a hundred false stories more”. [my own translation from the original]
The nature of his tale
The sermon that he refers to is on the familiar text from the Letter to Timothy that he quotes in Latin, “Radix malorum est Cupiditas”, or “the love of money is the root of all evil”. He then pleads with his “congregation” to refrain from avarice, which they can best do by parting with their cash. The Pardoner makes no secret of the fact that he is the most avaricious person there, but, so what, it’s a living isn’t it?
He will have performed this trick in every village he has passed through on his travels, his pulpit being a simple folding stand and box that he erects in an open space, possibly even directly outside the parish church to encourage the pretence that he is acting as the Pope’s representative.
He now proceeds to preach his sermon on the text quoted above, and it constitutes one of the most satisfying tales in the whole canon, being well told and with a wonderful twist in the story. It is a moral tale, and one that we can well imagine a person such as the Pardoner giving out as part of his “patter”. We can easily envisage his village audiences being gripped by its ingenuity and listening intently as it is told.
The Pardoner’s Tale
Three young men have been drinking and enjoying themselves, obviously to excess. The Pardoner really goes to town on the evils of drink, whilst doubtless downing his third or fourth pint of ale contributed by his fellow pilgrims. We can imagine this demagogue catching the moment when he knows that his oratory has captured his audience before he gets going on the story proper.
As the men sit outside the tavern, they see a funeral procession passing by. They ask a boy to tell them who has died, and it turns out to be a friend of theirs. He had, in the boy’s words, been visited by a thief whom men call Death, who has “a thousand slain” with the pestilence.
The three men decide, there and then, that they must seek out “this false traitor Death, he shall be slain, he that so many slayeth”.
They come across an old man, who tells them that he has seen Death, and that they will find him in a grove, under a tree. What they actually find is a pile of gold coins, which causes them to forget all about their search for Death.
Now fully sober, the three work out a plan as to how they are going to guard this treasure and get it home safely. They draw lots, and the youngest is sent to the town to fetch food and wine so that they can wait until nightfall before taking the treasure home without being noticed.
When he has gone, the other two work out that splitting the gold between two of them will profit them better than a three-way split, so they decide to murder their friend when he comes back.
The third young man has had similar thoughts, although he would prefer not to share the treasure at all. He therefore visits an apothecary when he reaches town and buys some rat poison, which he pours into two of the wine bottles that he has bought to take back to the clearing in the woods.
As the Pardoner says, you can work out the rest of the story for yourselves. The two conspirators carry out their plan then decide that, before burying the body, they need a drink. And so all three find Death, just as the old man said they would.
The Pardoner pushes his luck
The Pardoner, his story complete, now forgets himself completely and carries on with the sales pitch. He assails his fellow pilgrims with another diatribe about the consequences of avarice and urges them to buy his pardons and relics, pointing out how lucky they are to have him as one of their number, given that any fatal accident along the way will not result in the victim going to Hell, as long as they have bought their pardon from him first.
He then makes the mistake of turning to the Host as his first customer, who sees through all this claptrap in two seconds flat, threatening the wretched man with instant castration. This shuts the Pardoner up, and it is left to the Knight to calm everyone down and urge the Host and the Pardoner to “kiss and make up” which, perhaps surprisingly, they do.
So ends the Pardoner’s Tale, which has been described as the most perfect short story in English literature. If this is true, it is the linking of the teller and the tale that makes it so. It is certainly arguable that this section of the Canterbury Tales is the best thing that Chaucer ever wrote.
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The world of fashion has changed as everything is doing too. Without going any further, we have two fashion icons nowadays never seen before. Do you want to know the reason? Keep reading!!!
Not only Stella Maxwell and Josephine Skriver work for the best fashion brands or they are two of the current Victoria´s Secret angels.
They are also fashion icons for both the industry and also LGTB community. This is their story.
Stella Maxwell is the first bisexual supermodel in the history of fashion. Perhaps there were in the past, but no one dared to declare it publicly.
What is more, she has been in the spotlight for different reasons as she was dating pop sensation Miley Cyrus. They were known as Styley made with the names of Stella and Miley.
This romance between Stella Maxwell and Miley Cyrus brought Maxwell to stardom. She is now for instance, the hottest girl in the world according to Maxim magazine on its last 2016 edition.
Furthermore, Stella Maxwell is in the mouth of everyone as she is dating a Hollywood star; Kristen Stewart, the main protagonist of Twilight saga.
Stella Maxwell and Kristen Stewart are forming one of the most popular couples in the world of show business.
Stella Maxwell was born in Belgium. Because his dad is a diplomat from Belfast, Northern Ireland, she has been able to live and study in several countries such as New Zealand or Australia.
Stella Maxwell
I published on Niume some interesting anecdotes about some supermodels. One of them was Josephine Skriver.
Now, we are to extend and fully explain the incredible life story of this Danish supermodel. Another LGTB icon as her parents are gay.
As a matter of fact, Josephine Skriver has 4 parents, as incredible as it sounds. Her mum had a girlfriend but she posted an advertisement on a gay magazine in order to have a child.
A gay man answered hence Josephine Skriver was born and raised having 4 parents. Two couples formed by two women and two men. Denmark is one of the most LGBT friendly countries in the world.
Now, she is a Victoria´s Secret angel, a fashion icon and a role model for LGBT community. Never before this community had fashion icons as important and special as Josephine Skriver and Stella Maxwell.
Josephine Skriver dates a rockstar from band The Cab. She usually meets LGBT family members all around the world so that make them believe they can reach their dreams and aspirations as she has done, because she is one of the sensations of the world.
Indeed, she says that having grown up with this special situation has made her be tougher. In fact, she wakes up really early in the morning to work out. Her body and look are one of the most coveted by fashion brands.
Josephine Skriver
Share the story of these two supermodels and LGBT Icons. LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual, a collective that has not been represented in the world of fashion until now.
Less than 10 days into U.S. President Donald Trump’s term in office Iran test-launched a ballistic missile, proving once more how the Obama administration’s appeasement policy was an utter failure.
It is now up to the new Trump administration to right the many wrongs of their predecessors, and begin correctly enforcing every single aspect of the Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), parallel to a side agreement calling on Iran to refrain from such provocative missile testing and further hostility.
Tensions are rising, seen in recent statements made by senior U.S. officials.
U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley highlighted the threat posed by Iran in the Middle East, underscoring how Syria cannot transform into a “safe haven for terrorists” and the necessity of getting “Iran and their proxies out”.
“Iran poses the greatest long-term threat to stability for this part of the world,” said CENTCOM commander Gen. Joseph L. Votel at a Thursday hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
There are also reports of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards stationing units near the Golan Heights, opposite Israeli troops across the 1967 ceasefire line.
Troubles have further escalated as Iran test-fired two short-range ballistic missiles last weekend, IRGC fast-attack boats staged a new episode of harassing a U.S. Navy surveillance vessel on Thursday and went ahead to launch laser-guided anti-ship missile hitting a target at a range of 250 kilometers.
The U.S. satellite intelligence network identified January 29th testing from the missile launch heat signatures. Iran’s medium-range ballistic missile, dubbed the “Khorramshahr”, was able to travel around 600 miles (960 kilometers/550 nautical miles) before failing to reenter Earth’s atmosphere and exploding as a result.
In September of last year Iranian Defense Minister Brig. Gen. Hossein Dehqan indicated Iran would make good on intentions to initiate such missile production.
In response to Tehran’s seemingly bold move, U.S. Senator Bob Corker, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and a known JCPOA critic, blasted Iran for violating specific international commitments.
“No longer will Iran be given a pass for its repeated ballistic missile violations, continued support of terrorism, human rights abuses and other hostile activities that threaten international peace and security,” Corker said in a statement.
Iran has a long history of violating United Nations Security Council resolutions through a variety of ballistic missile activities. This includes UNSC Resolution 1929, of which Iran was accused of violating by U.S. officials back in 2015.
Iran is also known to be flaunting restrictions imposed by a U.N. ban, as part of the 2015-sealed JCPOA, restricting such test launches for eight years.
U.N. Resolution 2231, passed to bless the JCPOA, demanded Iran “not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology.”
The new U.S. State Department also voiced grave concerns in this regard.
“When actions are taken that violate or are inconsistent with the resolution, we will act to hold Iran accountable and urge other countries to do so as well,” said U.S. State Department spokesman Mark Toner, indicating how Washington will consider Iran a major confrontational subject.
If there were any hope of Iran curbing its ballistic missile program as sought by JCPOA founders, the latest missile test has literally put an end to such wishful thinking.
“Iran is always working on every aspect of its missile program: better guidance, more payload capacity, and better reliability,” said Christopher Harmer, a military analyst at the Institute for the Study of War.
The Trump administration now faces a new challenge and opportunity on how to strategically respond to this first provocation that can be evaluated as Tehran seeking to test new Washington limits.
Considering its major role in domestic crackdown, foreign military intervention and most significantly the involvement in Syria, and Iran’s nuclear program and ballistic missile drive, the first and very effective step forward in this roadmap can be to label Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.
The IRGC has transformed into a vast political and economic empire in Iran, enjoying unprecedented control and a “network of companies that came to dominate Iranian industries from energy to telecommunications,” according to The Wall Street Journal.
The Iranian opposition, itself a victim of IRGC-led attacks, has for years promoted a policy to contain the IRGC and recently welcomed the new U.S. sanctions on Iran.
Iran’s “nuclear and missile program is against the Iranian people’s interest and must be stopped,” Maryam Rajavi, President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said recently.
The NCRI is a coalition of Iranian dissident groups including the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), known for its long track record of blowing the whistle on Iran’s clandestine nuclear and ballistic missile programs.
For at least 18 months Iran has conducted a slate of missile tests that should be considered unacceptable acts of aggression deserving the type of action to make Tehran understand such measures will render consequences.
Blacklisting the IRGC would send such a message. After the Obama administration turned its back on the Iranian people back in 2009, the Trump administration has an opportunity to show them its support and stand on the right side of history.
Historically, most agents and publishers would look for around 100,000 (100K) words or more in a good length novel. Within the psycho of the publisher is firmly engrained the all important ‘cost’ of a printed book, especially the first edition which would normally be a hard cover version. He needs to get your book out there with the lowest production costs and the best selling price. Publishers are always playing this juggling act and that’s one of the reasons they employ highly paid editors whose job it is to slash as many words as possible out of your novel, without losing the storyline or affecting the style of writing. If, of course, you are self publishing, then you can plan the length of your novel to suit you. In the twentieth century, it was generally common for a regular reader of books to buy a printed work in hard cover or paperback and read at home during the weekends, in the bath and on the train to the office. If it was a particularly appealing book, many would read it from cover to cover in one session … and some still do! However, in this modern world where readers look to finish a novel much more quickly by reading it in small, regular slices on electronic media, a novel will now be regarded as a work of around 60K or more; a Novella at between 20K and 40K with a short story clocking in at something below 20K. These figures are not cast in stone but are simply an accepted average. You would therefore be well advised to make the length of your novel part of your plan; it will save you lots of time at the edit stage and stop you getting ‘carried away’ at the writing stage. Remember, less is more and is it better to produce a fast paced 60K novel that readers will flock to purchase … or a 150K epic work that possibly lacks pace, and will probably lack readers?
Tip 18: How Long To Complete?:
This question is an important one and an answer lies in the combination of how many words you plan to write, what time you have available and what percentage of that time you can spare to write your manuscript. The calculation is a straightforward one. If you can write for two hours a day at a rate of 300 words an hour, you can produce around 3,000 words in ten hours, 30,000 words in 100 hours and a full length 60,000 word novel in around 200 hours.
If you can commit to five writing sessions of two hours each in a seven day week, then your book or novel is going to take 20 weeks to complete. If you have been doing a first edit as you go along, you can add another five weeks for the final edit and you will then have a finished manuscript in around 25 weeks … or approximately five months. By making sure you have a timescale in your plan, it will give you a target to aim for. This therefore becomes part of a plan to succeed … and not part of a plan to fail!
Tip 19: Producing A Sketch?:
If you want an easy life; if you want to finish the work you so desperately started as a fiction novelist, try not to leave your writing process open to abuse. If you do, the person who will abuse it most will be you. You will blame the corresponding result on just about everyone else … of course, but the offender will actually be YOU! Do yourself a big favor and write a detailed sketch ‘before’ you start on your five or six month writing journey.