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    Thursday, March 9, 2017

    Sniper Elite 4

    This is a screenshot that I took while playing  the latest in the Sniper Elite series.
    The 1st one in this video game series came out in 2005 and back then it was 
    ahead of it's time with it's fantastic graphics. Also this game pioneered the kill cam scenes 
    where in slow motion you can see your bullet penetrate an enemy's body and create a splattering
    shattering fatal wound.
    The game is very gory and not for the squeamish.
    The latest one in the series has only advanced it over the original game.
    Now you can see it actually shatter the internal organs of the body in a bloody and gory
    Compared to the original game in the series the last three are actually much easier to play
    and survive.
    If you do it right and with the proper amount of patience it is very possible to get through
    a campaign or mission without dying once.
    What makes it easier to survive is that you have the ability to tag your enemies with your binoculars, which makes it easier to see their outlines or silhouettes behind a truck or a wall.
    Also you can see their halos that indicate whether their suspicious or getting in attack mode.
    A red halo always means they are going to attack.
    Like a real sniper game this is one where stealth is the key to success and survival.
    It is not the same as playing Call Of Duty or Medal Of Honor.
    Which means it's going to be slower paced and it's going to require more patience.
    For one thing as a sniper you are operating alone and in singleplayer mode you have no 
    partner or group of others to rely on.
    In coop mode you will have a partner to assist you but still it's advisable to be more stealthy
    as opposed to being more aggressively visible.
    I always found it annoying when my partner tries to make himself too obvious and get himself
    spotted, heard and shot.
    Meaning I would have to go out risk my rear end to save his, with the result sometimes of getting
    both of us killed and the mission botched.
    If your partner dies then so do you and the game is over and it's back to restart. 
